Working closely with SME Navy Chief Ramos, we were tasked with creating a 2D visual based simulator for training users to operate an E-2 Air Intercept Controller. The project was built for Windows systems along with compatibility for mobile devices allowing it to be used in a variety of environments.
One of my main tasks included designing and implementing the menus user interface. This included the main menu, pause menu, leaderboard screen, question prompts, and scenario select screen.
My secondary task was implementing the question system, as the simulator prompts users with questions to go along with the scenarios that are playing. There are two acceptable options, one correct option, and one incorrect option and users are scored accordingly. Players also lose score over time if they take too long to answer.
Another task I undertook was the leaderboard system. Our SME requested a system that could track users scores and compare them to other users on a leaderboard available to be viewed in the simulator.
Leaderboard database.
This database connected to the simulator to update the in game leaderboard in real time.