As a part of a class assignment, I remade Zork in Unity. Zork is an interactive text based adventure game from 1977.
The game reads all of it's data from a single JSON file. Once it deserializes this, it can build out the world including the rooms, their neighbors, and their contents.
Replicating the original, every command adds to a moves counter and exploring new rooms adds to the player's score.
The game makes sure players adhere to the original game's map, allowing them to go up, down, north, south, east, and west. But only if the way isn't shut.
The original project was made for a windows command console. Once all the base logic was functioning, I imported the game into a package suitable for use in Unity then built a better UI to support the game.
Now that the game was utilizing an engine, implementing new features, such as a save system, was much easier.